This Iconic Sydney Company has been in the packaging and bag manufacturing Industry since 1928. That’s an impressive 93 years of continuous trading.
They have a broad cross section of customers and serve a multitude of industries. Everything that’s made and packaged locally requires customised bags and packaging. Another key segment is Hygiene. With what’s happened since Covid, so many items now require packaging for both storage and then disposal after use.
The factory is Spacious, Clean and Modern. The layout has been carefully planned with a multitude of process areas. All machinery has been recently upgraded and is meticulously maintained and serviced. 2 new bagging machines have been installed just this year.
The current owner has very little involvement. The business is run by a small team of loyal, well-paid staff. It has a great culture and very high staff retention for both full time and casual employees.
This business is a Sydney Success story that has delivered consistent returns for the owner year after year averaging a net profit of $621,546. With the resurgence in Australian manufacturing and the growth in the need for hygiene-based products, this business is primed for future growth and expansion.
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Sydney Plastic Bag Manufacturing company
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